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Author : Kenneth W Ford
Date : 2015-03-25
Page : 240
Rating : 4.0
Reviews : 112
Category : Book

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Building The H Bomb A Personal History ~ Well known for his ability to explain physics to nonspecialists Ford also brings to life the physics of fission and fusion and provides a brief history of nuclear science from the discovery of radioactivity in 1896 to the tenmegaton explosion of Mike that obliterated a Pacific Island in worked at both Los Alamos and Princetons Project Matterhorn and brings out Matterhorns major but previously unheralded contribution to the development of the H bomb
Building the H Bomb A Personal History Kenneth W Ford ~ With the publication of Ken Fords Building the H Bomb A Personal History readers interested in the story have an engaging new firsthand account to add to their collections Fords book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of the H bomb and its role in the Cold War and in how that work affected the life and career of an individual involved
Building the H Bomb A Personal History ~ Unlike the Soviet fission bomb which was a copy of the implosion design based upon material obtained by espionage there is no evidence the Soviet fusion bomb first tested in 1955 was based upon espionage but rather was an independent invention of the radiation implosion concept by Andrei Sakharov and Yakov Zeldovich
Building the H Bomb A Personal History by Kenneth W Ford ~ This is an interesting read Dr Ford does a good job of going over the basic physics but also gives many good personal stories as he relates the path to the hydrogen bomb If you want more details you should look at Richard Rhodess Making of the Atomic Bomb for the A bomb and Dark Sun The Making of the Hydrogen Bomb for the H bomb
Building the H Bomb A Personal History Physics Today ~ Building the H Bomb A Personal History Cameron Reed is the Charles A Dana Professor of Physics at Alma College in Alma Michigan and author of The History and Science of the Manhattan Project Springer 2013
APS Physics FPS Building the H Bomb A Personal History ~ Ken Ford entered the H bomb workforce in June 1950 for two years as part of the Matterhorn Project at Princeton and Los Alamos under Professor John Wheeler This was a time of uncertainty for the Hbomb as the classic superbomb having a boosted primary to ignite a deuterium secondary had been shown to fail by Stan Ulam and Cornelius Everett
Building the H Bomb A Personal History Book Review ~ Building the H Bomb is a memoir by the author during his time as an apprentice weapons designer during the development of the world’s first hydrogen bomb Set mainly at Princeton and Los Alamos between the summer of 1950 and the summer of 1952 this memoir includes material from recent interviews conducted by the author with physicists he had worked and photos of this period of Los Alamos and Princeton
Building the H Bomb A Personal History American Journal ~ Wheeler had just begun a sabbatical leave in Europe for the 1949–1950 academic year when the Soviet Union exploded its first atomic bomb in August 1949 and Henry Smyth and Edward Teller began urging him to cut short his leave to go to Los Alamos to work on developing a hydrogen bomb
Building the H Bomb World Scientific Publishing Company ~ Building the H Bomb A Personal History Forum on Physics and Society January 2017 Don McCauleys audio interview with Kenneth Ford The Authors Show 11 August 2016 Mt Airy scientist one of those who built the HBomb Chestnut Hill Local 19 February 2016 Hydrogen Bomb Physicists Book Runs Afoul of Energy Department The New York Times 23
Building The H Bomb A Personal History Book – PDF Download ~ P Andrew Karam The Ohio State University “Fords book is a valuable resource for anyone interested in the history of the H bomb and its role in the Cold War and in how that work affected the life and career of an individual involved” Physics Today Personal memories are the books greatest strength
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