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Date : 1998-10-20
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Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information ~ Quantum error correction QEC is a central component of quantum information theory It is a powerful general method to restore the state of a quantum system after it has been subject to noise The theory of quantum error correction is introduced starting from the principles of error correction for classical communication channels
A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum ~ A Short Introduction to Quantum Information and Quantum Computation is a laudable textbook by an author who has much experience writing about physics It outperforms similar texts that contain more pages but fail to communicate the essence of the subject to anyone not working in the field
Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information ~ Buy Introduction to Quantum Computation and Information on FREE SHIPPING on qualified orders
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Wikipedia ~ Quantum Computation and Quantum Information is a textbook about quantum information science written by Michael Nielsen and Isaac Chuang regarded as a standard text on the subject It is informally known as Mike and Ike after the candies of that name
Introduction To Quantum Computation And Information ~ Introduction To Quantum Computation And Information by H K Lo Read online or download in secure PDF format This book aims to provide a pedagogical introduction to the subjects of quantum information and quantum computation
Quantum Computation and Quantum Information ~ Quantum Computation and Quantum Information Michael A Nielsen Isaac L Chuang 10th Anniversary Edition CAMBRIDGE UNIVERSITY PRESS Cambridge New York Melbourne Madrid Cape Town Singapore 3 Introduction to computer science 120 31 Models for computation 122 311 Turing machines 122 312 Circuits 129
An Introduction to Quantum Computing for NonPhysicists ~ Introduction to Quantum Computing · 3 can freely explore the theoretical realm of quantum computing Section 3 defines the quantum bit or qubit Unlike classical bits a quantum bit can be put in a superposition state that encodes both 0 and 1 There is no good classical
Quantum computing Wikipedia ~ In summary a quantum computation can be described as a network of quantum logic gates and measurements Any measurement can be deferred to the end of a quantum computation though this deferment may come at a computational cost
An Introduction to Quantum Computing ~ Quantum information processing is the result of using the physical reality that quantum theory tells us about for the purposes of performing tasks that were previously thought impossible or infeasible
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