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Optical trapping and manipulation of neutral particles ~ The techniques of optical trapping and manipulation of neutral particles by lasers provide unique means to control the dynamics of small particles These new experimental methods have played a revolutionary role in areas of the physical and biological sciences This paper reviews the early developments in the field leading to the demonstration of cooling and trapping of neutral atoms in atomic
Optical trapping and manipulation of neutral particles ~ The techniques of optical trapping and manipulation of neutral particles by lasers provide unique means to control the dynamics of small particles These new experimental methods have played a revolutionary role in areas of the physical and biological sciences
Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Neutral Particles ~ This important volume contains selected papers and extensive commentaries on laser trapping and manipulation of neutral particles using radiation pressure forces Such techniques apply to a variety of small particles such as atoms molecules macroscopic dielectric particles living cells and organelles within cells
Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Neutral Particles ~ Use of this sensitive and novel technique of trapping and manipulation has revolutionized experimental studies in the fields of light scattering atomic physics and the biological sciences The ability to control the dynamics of small neutral particles enables many fundamental studies and practical applications
Laser Trapping of Neutral Particles Scientific American ~ Laser Trapping of Neutral Particles Lasers can be used to trap and manipulate electrically neutral particles These techniques have allowed scientists to cool vapors to near absolute zero
Optical Trapping And Manipulation Of Neutral Particles ~ Optical Trapping And Manipulation Of Neutral Particles Using Lasers A Reprint Volume With Commentaries Ebook written by Ashkin Arthur Read this book using Google Play Books app on your PC android iOS devices Download for offline reading highlight bookmark or take notes while you read Optical Trapping And Manipulation Of Neutral Particles Using Lasers A Reprint Volume With Commentaries
Optical trapping and manipulation of neutral particles ~ 3 Atom trapping and manipulation by radiation pressure forces 31 Early concepts and experiments with atoms 32 Theoretical aspects of optical forces on atoms ch 4 Summary of the first decades work on optical trapping and manipulation of particles III 19801990 ch 5 Trapping of atoms and biological particles in the 19801990
The manipulation of neutral particles ~ The manipulation of neutral particles Steven Chu Stanford University Departments of Physics and Applied Physics Stanford California 943054060 S0034686198010034 The written version of my lecture is a personal account of the development of laser cooling and trapping Rather than give a balanced history of the field I chose
Arthur Ashkin OSA History The Optical Society ~ The ability to cool and trap atoms has led to spectacular advances in basic science such as the creation of BoseEinstein condensates in atomic vapor Ashkin is the author of Optical Trapping and Manipulation of Neutral Particles Using Lasers and holds 47 patents Awards and honors recognizing his scientific contributions include election to
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