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Date : 2000-06-01
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Photosynthetic Excitons World Scientific Publishing Company ~ Excitons are considered as the basic concept used by describing the spectral properties of photosynthetic pigmentprotein complexes and excitation dynamics in photosynthetic lightharvesting antenna and reaction centers
Photosynthetic Excitons Herbert Van Amerongen ~ Excitons are considered as the basic concept used by describing the spectral properties of photosynthetic pigmentprotein complexes and excitation dynamics in photosynthetic lightharvesting antenna and reaction centers
High temperature limit of photosynthetic excitons Nature ~ Excitons in lightharvesting complexes are known to significantly improve solarenergy harnessing Here we demonstrate photosynthetic excitons at superphysiological temperatures reaching 60–80
Photosynthetic EXCITONS GBV ~ Photosynthetic excitons Xlll 55 Trapping in large Photosystem I complexes 465 56 Excitation decay in intact Photosystem I 465 57 Spectral and spatial equilibration in Photosystem I 465 58 Energy transfer in Photosystem I at low temperatures 467 6 Concluding Remarks 470 References 472 Chapter 12 Nonlinear Annihilation of Excitons Theory
Photosynthetic Excitons Request PDF ~ Photosynthetic Excitons Book · January 2000 Photosynthesis is the natural process that converts solar photons into energyrich products that are needed to drive the biochemistry of life Two
Photosynthetic Excitons Herbert van Amerongen Leonas ~ Excitons are considered as the basic concept used by describing the spectral properties of photosynthetic pigmentprotein complexes and excitation dynamics in photosynthetic lightharvesting antenna and reaction centers Following the recently obtained structures of a variety of photosynthetic pigmentprotein complexes from plants and bacteria our interest in understanding the relation between
Photosynthetic excitons — Vrije Universiteit Amsterdam ~ TY BOOK T1 Photosynthetic excitons AU van Amerongen H AU Valkunas L AU van Grondelle R PY 2000 Y1 2000 M3 Book SN 9810232802
Photosynthetic light harvesting excitons and coherence ~ Photosynthetic excitons are fairly localized the typical delocalization length in the steady state only being two to four chromophores with the notable exception of the chlorosome antenna and in many cases the excited states can be approximated to be fully localized to one molecule 30 32
Highpressure control of photosynthetic excitons ~ In photosynthesis collective pigment excitations – excitons – facilitate chemical reactions for sustainable biological function Here the effect of hydrostatic pressure – an important thermodynamic stress factor – on optical spectral properties of excitons in the cyclic lightharvesting 2 pigmentprotein complex from photosynthetic bacterium Rhodoblastus acidophilus was first studied
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